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The “Glorious Sixteenth” of June always holds special promise for river-anglers: as Chris Yates put it a couple of days ago, “by taking a three-month break our spirits are wild for the water again as the new season comes around“.

But if fishers’ hearts are beating faster in general, here on the Wandle we’re positively flatlining ’em with excitement. 

Why, you may well ask? 

Why, it’s the launch of the Wandle Species Hunt!

With inspiration from this superb trophy provided last year by the Wandle herself


…the rules of the competition are few and simple.

The Wandle Species Hunt Trophy will be awarded to the Member of the Club who catches and releases the greatest number of fish species from the Wandle, by any legal method, during the new coarse-fishing season.

Rich has put together a list of 21 possible species to be caught from the Wandle (OK, some of them, like pumpkinseeds, haven’t been seen for a while, but what’s a challenge if it’s not?)

By dusk and pub-time yesterday, we reckoned we’d already put 9 of these on the board.

Our generous friends at Fine Line Fishing in Tooting have also promised £25 in tackle vouchers for the winner.

So if you’re a Member of the Wands already, check out the full rules over on our Members’ Forum

And if you’ve not yet joined us, but want to get involved with our work and play on South London’s finest chalkstream, click here to get your new season’s Membership for just £20.

Anglers of the Wandle, let the Games begin!

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