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About the Club

The Wandle Piscators is a mixed-species, mixed-method fishing club based on South London’s River Wandle.

Wandle fishing

Founded in 2004, the Club was formally constituted on 21 October 2005 – the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar and the death of Admiral Nelson, reputedly one of the Wandle’s most famous fishermen (though there’s still some debate about how much he actually fished the river!)

The design of the Club’s logo is based on an ancient fish-hook found in the river in King George’s Park by one of our Founder Members, Gordon Bell.

Today, the Club is committed to helping the historic River Wandle come back to life after centuries of pollution and abuse, and the famous writer Peter Lapsley has described this urban chalkstream’s recovery as ‘a modern miracle‘.

As part of the Living Wandle Landscape Partnership, with funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, we’ve produced ‘An Angler’s Guide to the River Wandle’. You can click here to download a pdf version, or here to buy a printed copy from the guide’s author John O’Brien.

Click on the links on the right (and below) to find out more about the Wandle Piscators, including all the benefits of membership and how to join us.

Please note that the Club is not currently collecting membership fees, and most activities are being co-ordinated via our Facebook page: please click here to find out more.

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