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Meanwhile, in Iceland…

… at this time of year, big trout are eating little flies, and the Wandle Piscators’ lucky writer-Patron Charles Rangeley-Wilson is getting to play with some of them…

Actually, make that lots of them… and some pretty strange and exotic foodstuffs too…

After that, you probably don’t need a commentary, but here’s what Charles says on his site:

“A five minute treat for lovers of big trout that rise … er … that would be everyone with a fly rod and a pulse … I shot this in Iceland last year on a spring-fed stream that flows across a lava field, meandering lazily between hillocks of frozen lava. The only sounds are the river, the wind, the drumming snipe. The sun never sets. It’s the heaven I hope to get to again when I shuffle off this mortal coil.

When the sun comes out and the wind drops, black heather flies start to swarm. They are clumsy fliers and many end up on the river surface where these pre-historic trout gorge on them. The footage I ended up with begged a question: how many rising trout can a trout bum watch before they’ve had enough? There’s plenty more where these few clips came from…”

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